Why an Education Foundation?

Funding for public education is becoming increasingly limited by the constraints of Act 1 and state legislature. While continuing to look for efficiencies within the budget, the district recognizes the importance of looking for outside funding streams and community initiatives to help fund programs that are on the fringe of general fund expenditures. As a community partner, the Wissahickon Educational Opportunities Foundation has the opportunity to step in and create an alternative funding stream for innovative programs that support student learning.



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Ways to Give

Individuals, families, and companies may make annual gifts to support our mission. There are several levels to support the Wissahickon Educational Opportunities Foundation (WEOF): one-time or recurring gifts, staff tribute, directed/restricted giving, EITC tax credit program, individual/corporate matching grants and donations, designation via United Way and more!



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Our Board Members

WEOF is actively seeking new board members. Join our team to connect with the Wissahickon community and support our schools. If you are interested in serving as a board member, please complete an application on Our Board of Directors web page. Below, click Apply Now.

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Trivia Night

WEOF will host its annual Trivia Night event on Friday, May 10, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. at the Upper Gwynedd Firehouse. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. This is an adults-only event with BYOB food and drinks. Ticket sales start Saturday, April 6!

Ticket Sales